Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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5 Resources

Tanzania Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA): Country Snapshot

Tanzania’s digital ecosystem underwent considerable change during former President Magufuli’s 2015-2021 rule. Internet infrastructure expansion was prioritized, but last-mile connectivity gaps persist....

Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Tanzania Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA)

The Tanzania DECA report presents the findings and recommendations of the Tanzania DECA. It outlines the key aspects of Tanzania’s digital ecosystem and provides 13 recommendations for creating a more inclusive, safe, and enabling environment....

Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Digital Agriculture Ecosystem Assessment: Tanzania

Digital agriculture solutions have the potential to enhance agricultural outcomes and uplift rural communities by providing access to critical information, credit, and markets to further enable farming as a business....

Digital Agriculture

Viamo Factsheet

In many countries, especially in rural, low-literacy communities, it is difficult for people to access local news and information....

Gender Digital Divide
Fact Sheet

A Refuge for Rosie

Meet Rosie, a girl who escaped genital mutilation in Tanzania with the help of Humanitarian OpenStreetMaps Team (HOT). Through the WomenConnect Challenge, USAID partnered with HOT to create crowd-sourced maps that helped rescue Rosie and hundreds of other...

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Emerging Technology