Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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300 Resources

Mali Digital Agriculture Assessment (EN)

Development Gateway (DG) and Athena Infonomics conducted an assessment of the digital agricultural ecosystem in Mali between September 2021 and January 2022. The assessment was conducted using DG’s Custom Assessment Landscape Methodology (CALM.)...

Digital Agriculture

Feed the Future Bangladesh Digital Agriculture Activity Plantix Pilot End Line Assessment Report

The FTF Bangladesh Digital Agriculture Activity supported the pilot of the digital tool Plantix, a mobile crop advisory app for farmers, extension workers, and gardeners, that identifies issues associated with crop production and proposes solutions. The pi...

Digital Agriculture

Bangladesh Digital Agriculture Activity: Plantix Pilot Success Stories

The FTF Bangladesh Digital Agriculture Activity (BDAA) promotes the efficient and effective use of digital agriculture tools to build the capacity of value chain actors in Bangladesh. Over the course of 4-5 months in 2021, BDAA supported the pilot of the d...

Digital Agriculture

4 Considerations When Developing ICT Policies and Regulations

In a world dominated by rapid innovation, ICTs are not only accelerators for economic growth, they also provide on-ramps for vulnerable populations to participate in society and not get left behind. However, the potential of ICTs can only go as far as a na...

Cybersecurity ICT Policy

How Five Awardees Are Paving the Way for a More Equitable AI-Powered Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are a dual-edged sword: they promise tremendous benefits for international development, but have also demonstrated instances of bias and harm, often resulting from inequitable design, use, and impact...

Gender Digital Divide Emerging Technology