Resource Library

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82 Resources

SARDI SME Digital Transformation & Upskilling Activity - Sri Lanka

Inspira and IIDT conducted this assessment between January-April 2024. The primary goal of the study was to measure digital tool adoption among Sri Lankan MSMEs and understand their needs for capacity building....

Cybersecurity Digital Literacy

SARDI - Propelling Cybersecurity Resilience and Digital Safety for Bangladeshi Businesses

As many Bangladeshi business owners navigate a rapidly evolving digital world, MSMEs’ vulnerability to virtual attacks not only drains resources from the nation’s economy but also endangers the lives of individual citizens....


Responsible AI in Southeast Asia: Tracking Progress and Benchmarking Impact

This research brief is a first step in the development of an actionable ASEAN Responsible AI Roadmap that will complement and enhance the ASEAN Guide on AI Governance and Ethics, and support ASEAN Member States (AMS) as they develop responsible AI....

Cybersecurity ICT Policy Emerging Technology

Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA): Conflict and Violence Addendum

The rapid development and adoption of digital technology are transforming industries, governments, economies, and societies. The global—although unequal—proliferation of digital technologies effectively means that digital systems are becoming more inherent...

Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services

Tanzania Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA): Country Snapshot

Tanzania’s digital ecosystem underwent considerable change during former President Magufuli’s 2015-2021 rule. Internet infrastructure expansion was prioritized, but last-mile connectivity gaps persist....

Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services