Resource Library

Here you can find a vast array of resources curated or created by Digital Frontiers over the lifetime of the project, activities, and buy-ins

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55 Resources

Rethinking the Digital Shift for Weavers and Handloom Collectives: Opportunities and Challenges in India's Handloom Sector

India sits at the cusp of a creativity and culture-led manufacturing revolution. A significant player in this is the nation’s vast and diverse handloom sector that offers a ready foundation to build the future of sustainable textile value-chains....

Gender Digital Divide Emerging Technology

Responsible AI in Southeast Asia: Tracking Progress and Benchmarking Impact

This research brief is a first step in the development of an actionable ASEAN Responsible AI Roadmap that will complement and enhance the ASEAN Guide on AI Governance and Ethics, and support ASEAN Member States (AMS) as they develop responsible AI....

Cybersecurity ICT Policy Emerging Technology

El reporte de la Evaluación País del Ecosistema Digital de Honduras: Panorama País

La Evaluación de País del Ecosistema Digital (DECA), es una iniciativa emblemática de la Estrategia Digital de USAID, que apoya a las Misiones de USAID a comprender de mejor manera los ecosistemas digitales y así colaborar y apoyar a los países....

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services Emerging Technology Digital Agriculture

Honduras DECA: Country Snapshot

The Digital Ecosystem Country Assessment (DECA), a flagship initiative of the Digital Strategy, supports USAID Missions to better understand, work with, and support country digital ecosystems....

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services Emerging Technology Digital Agriculture

El reporte de la Evaluación País del Ecosistema Digital de Honduras

La Evaluación País del Ecosistema Digital (DECA) identifica riesgos y oportunidades en el ecosistema digital de un país para apoyar el desarrollo, diseño, e implementación de las estrategias, proyectos,...

Gender Digital Divide Digital Literacy Cybersecurity Last-Mile Connectivity ICT Policy Digital Financial Services Emerging Technology Digital Agriculture